Dedicating Time for Daily Auto Suggestion Treatments: A Transformative Journey


In the intricate tapestry of speech disorders, stuttering stands as a formidable challenge, impacting not only verbal communication but also the psyche of those who grapple with it. A crucial aspect of time allocation for daily auto-suggestion treatments (ASTs) is offering insights into the author’s personal experiences and a roadmap for others navigating the often perplexing realm of stuttering self-therapy.

Understanding the Stuttering Severity Chart and its Implications

This blog introduces the Stuttering Severity Chart, an attempt to categorize stutterers based on severity. From mild to severe, the author shares his own experiences, highlighting a common thread among stutterers: the significant amount of time spent thinking about stuttering, ranging from 10 to 59 minutes per hour, with 30-45 minutes being typical. The more severe the stutter, the more time is dedicated to this internal struggle.

Turning Worry into Action: The Power of Positive Affirmations

A profound realization surfaces: every minute spent worrying about stuttering can be transformed into a moment of positive self-treatment. The author advocates converting this mental energy into time devoted to positive affirmations. The concept is vividly presented as a means of breaking free from “The Stutterer’s Curse”—a mind haunted, day and night, by fears of stuttering that non-stuttering individuals might struggle to comprehend.

The Journey from Self-Treatment to Self-Curing

The blog emphasizes that the goal of daily ASTs is not just self-treatment but progressive self-curing. While the intensity of treatments may initially be high, the author shares a hopeful trajectory—a steady decline in both the frequency and duration of treatments over time. Personal anecdotes assure readers that relapses are a thing of the past, and the use of crutches becomes a reliable strategy against sporadic stutter threats.

Beyond Speech: Daily ASTs as a Tool for Personal Growth

The narrative takes an intriguing turn as the author reflects on the broader impact of daily ASTs on his life. Although speech-related ASTs are rare for the author now, daily mental training and direction remain integral. The blog introduces the idea that stuttering, once a formidable challenge, became the author’s life’s greatest blessing. It becomes apparent that the principles of ASTs extend beyond speech, influencing emotional well-being and personal relationships.

Idle-Time or Bonus Treatments: Seizing Opportunities for Transformation

The concept of idle-time or bonus treatments—opportune moments in waiting rooms, during commutes, or in solitude— These snippets of time become golden opportunities to engage in additional ASTs, creating a continuous positive reinforcement loop. The blog encourages readers to seize these moments, highlighting the portable nature of self-treatment, even on the go.

Replacing Worry with Positive Action: A Call to Transformation

The final section reiterates a fundamental shift in mindset: the number of minutes spent on daily treatments should replace the time previously consumed by worrying about stuttering. It becomes a powerful mantra: reject worry, replace it with positive auto-suggestions, and cultivate the seeds of personal growth. A quote from psychiatrist Caprio resonates as a guiding principle: “Nothing compels us to think anything except our own desires. Dictate your thoughts. Believe that you can improve, and you will.” In the realm of stuttering and beyond, this becomes a beacon of empowerment and transformation.

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