Treating Yourself: The Power of Auto Suggestions in Overcoming Stuttering

Speech anxiety, particularly in the form of stuttering or stammering, can be a formidable opponent, affecting individuals both emotionally and socially. In the pursuit of fluency, this blog explores the transformative potential of treating oneself through the practice of auto-suggestions, a method deeply rooted in the principles of mind control and neuroplasticity.

Taking Control: Instructing Your Mind

The blog begins by emphasizing the essence of overcoming speech anxiety: taking control of and directing one’s own mind. A suggested daily practice of instructing the mind, aligning with the experiences of individuals who have successfully tackled speech anxiety through the methods outlined in “How to Stop Stuttering and Love Speaking” by Lee G. Lovett.

Addressing Varied Experiences and Therapies

Acknowledging the diverse experiences of individuals who may have undergone extensive therapies or lack access to therapy, the blog offers a reassuring message: beating stuttering is still achievable. While some may find relief in existing therapies, other methods are presented as a compatible addition to these efforts. The blog highlights potential conflicts with certain therapy programs, emphasizing the importance of choosing methods aligned with individual preferences and comfort.

Practice Makes Perfect: The Role of Daily Techniques

The first four steps require daily practice, forming the foundation for overcoming stuttering. The emphasis on daily, hourly, and even minute-by-minute efforts reflects belief in the efficacy of consistent practice. The notion that improvement is a gradual, ongoing process reinforces the commitment required to reshape one’s speech patterns and, consequently, one’s life.

Auto Suggestion Treatments: Unveiling the Power of Mind Training

Auto-suggestion treatments (ASTs) or self-hypnosis treatments (SHTs) These treatments involve allocating time to make suggestions to the mind, akin to sessions with a psychiatrist or under hypnosis. The blog clarifies that these treatments are neither mysterious nor difficult, and even those unfamiliar with hypnosis can benefit from training their minds through auto suggestions.

How and Where to Treat Yourself: Practical Applications of ASTs

Practical guidance is provided on how and where to conduct ASTs. Two 20-minute ASTs a day, preferably before sleep and upon waking, are recommended. The blog details the process, including deep breaths for relaxation, visualization of pressured situations, and the repetition of positive affirmations. The keys highlighted are relaxation, visual imagery, and repetition, emphasizing the simplicity and accessibility of the practice.

Integration into Daily Life: The Lifelong Therapy Approach

The blog underscores that treating, training, and managing the mind is not about teaching oneself to speak but rather teaching the mind not to think or arrange words. The integration of ASTs into daily life is portrayed as a lifelong therapy, offering a continuous, self-directed approach to maintaining fluency without relapses.

Leadership in Self-Transformation: Embracing New Developments

The blog concludes with a call to be a leader in embracing new developments, particularly in the context of neuroplasticity and mind training. The blog reinforces the idea that stuttering can be overcome without the need for a professional therapist and urges readers to embark on a step-by-step program outlined in the book. The importance of treating oneself based on the severity of stuttering is emphasized, fostering a sense of self-reliance and empowerment.

In the pursuit of fluency, the blog paints a picture of a transformative journey where individuals can take charge of their minds, reshape their thoughts, and ultimately free themselves from the constraints of stuttering.

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