The Art of Silence: Navigating Stuttering Without Announcements


Communication is a nuanced dance, and for those who stutter (PWS), it often feels like navigating a minefield, especially in the spotlight. This blog explores the wisdom, or lack thereof, in the widely discussed idea of announcing one’s stuttering, as presented in, How to Stop Stuttering & Love Speaking.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom:

The conventional wisdom among many PWS suggests that announcing stuttering demonstrates self-confidence and is a noble effort to enlighten listeners about the speaker’s challenge. However, this perspective is challenged, branding it as potentially self-destructive. According to this alternative viewpoint, this practice could potentially create more problems than it solves.

Limited Recommendations for Discussion:

The guide recommends discussing speech problems on a limited basis, primarily with family members and close friends who are known to be sympathetic. However, it emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries even in these intimate conversations. The overarching idea is to let one’s speech speak for itself in most situations.

The World’s Indifference:

A recurring theme in this argument is that people, in general, are not interested in the intricacies of others’ speech problems. The argument asserts that announcing stuttering may not lead to the expected helpful discussions or increased understanding; rather, it might lead to disinterest and, in some cases, adversely affect relationships with disinterested listeners.

Mind-Training and the Dysfluency Memory Bank:

One of the primary reasons against the announcement of stuttering is its potential impact on the PWS’ mind-training efforts. PWS often spend significant mental energy working to overcome stuttering through various methods. Continually bringing up the topic with disinterested listeners may reinforce stuttering in the individual’s mind, hindering the progress made through diligent application of suggested methods.

Reasons NOT to Announce Your Stuttering:

Here are compelling reasons against announcing stuttering:

  • Stating the Obvious: Announcing stuttering can be redundant and may induce pressure, especially when not under duress.
  • Shifted Focus: It redirects the listener’s attention from the message to the mechanics of speech, counterproductive to effective communication.
  • Mind Reinforcement: Announcing stuttering may reinforce the issue in the speaker’s mind, contradicting efforts to re-map the brain positively.
  • Lack of Positivity: There’s no positive reason or advantage in stating the obvious, especially when stuttering might not be apparent at the moment.
  • Negative Outcomes: An example is shared of a PWS who sabotaged job interviews by volunteering information about stuttering.

The Power of Silent Transformation:

The alternative perspective encourages a shift in attitude – recognizing that stuttering is a diminishing challenge every day. The emphasis is that, except for loved ones and those who have overcome stuttering themselves, the world is largely indifferent to one’s speech issues. The key is to work on overcoming stuttering rather than constantly verbalizing the problem.


In conclusion, the alternative viewpoint urges PWS to refrain from announcing their stuttering to the world. The advice is to champion the idea that silent dedication to methods, coupled with a positive attitude, will lead to successful transformation. By ceasing to verbalize the problem, PWS can free themselves from the shackles of stuttering, making it a part of their past. The advice is clear: stop talking about it, work on it, and soon it will be a distant memory. If discussions about stuttering are necessary, engaging with ex-stutterers who can offer valuable insights and support is suggested.

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