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Male, 41, USA

Jared, used to stutter severely as a child, but now it is mild. How to beat rare bad incidents.


Male, 48, United Kingdom

John, 48, stuttering since age 4. PWSS, Ex-heavy repeater. He is over the moon with his speech.


Male, 41, USA

Jared, mild stutterer, stuttering since age 3. Working on Crutch 11.


Male, 48, United Kingdom

John, 48, stuttering since age 4. Heavy repeater. Explaining how he is stopping a lifetime of stuttering basically thanks to Crutch 11.


Male, 48, United Kingdom

John, 48, stuttering since age 4. Heavy repeater. Changing life-attitudes smoothing speech.


Male, 41, Australia

Chris, 41, mild and situational stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. Second coaching session. Learning to Speak like a King and use Crutch 4.


Male, 48, United Kingdom

John, 48, stuttering since ange 4. Heavy repeater. Second coaching session. Working Crutches 1-8 and 11.


Male, 48, Chile (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Sebastián, 48. PWSS, Ex-mild sutterer. Stuttering since age 10. Speaking without planning words. How to get rid of the residual fears. ESP: Sebastián, 48, PQDT/PWSS, Ex-tartamudo leve. Tartamudeando desde los 10 años. Hablando sin planificar sus palabras. Cómo deshacerse de los miedos residuales.


Male, 42, USA

Hussain, 42, stuttering since age 10. Situational stutterer. He is very good using the Crutches, so all he needs to be is a Speech Cop to become a PWSS.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image