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Male, 42, USA

Dean, stuttering since age of 10 to up to 80% of his words. Severe stutterer. Learning how to use Crutch 8, Modulation.


Male, 48, India

Sanjeev is a situational stutterer and he has successfully crossed 4+ weeks of bad incident. He mostly uses C-9, 1,4, 10, 11 and 8. Today we drilled on expressions and crutch 5 along with other crutches. Look the way he speaks fluently.


Male, 48, India

Sanjeev is a PWS. He started to stutter at the age of 8 to 50-60% of the words. He is a situational stutterer and his speech is improving a lot with the crutches. In this session he realizes the importance of being a Speech Cop.


Male, 41, USA

Jared, used to stutter severely as a child, but now a PWSS. Learning to love to speak in all venues.


Male, 41, United Kingdom

Ahsan, stuttering since age 7, up to 80% of his words. Attorney, working on courtroom presentations.


Male, 42, USA

Dean, stuttering since age of 10 to up to 80% of his words. Severe stutterer. Speaking fluently just by focusing on being passionate.


Male, 42, USA

Dean, stuttering since age of 10 to up to 80% of his words. Severe stutterer. He is not being a Speech Cop in most situations. How to solve this problem and become a PWSS.


Male, 48, India

Sanjeev is a PWS from New Delhi. He is a situational stutterer. He started to stutter at the age of 8 to 50-60% of the words, He is close to become a PWSS as he already crossed 4 weeks without bad incident. The importance of AST and SH treatments and how does our belief system […]


Male, United Kingdom

Ahsan, stuttering since age 7, up to 80% of his words. Attorney, avoiding stuttering in court.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image