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Male, 42, USA

Hussain, 42, stuttering since age 10. Situational stutterer. Learning how to use crutches 8 and 10.


Male, 41, USA

Jared, mild stutterer, stuttering since age 3. Easy ways to solve mild stuttering.


Male, 42, USA

Hussain, mild, situational stutterer. Stuttering since childhood. First coaching session. Learning how to use 9 and 11.


Male, 42, Ireland

Phil, 42, stuttering since age 6. Using Crutch 11, Speaking Like a King.


Male, 48, Chile

Sebastián, 48. PWSS, Ex-mild sutterer. Stuttering since age 10. Why we should join the SpeechMasters Club meetings.


Male, 48, Chile

Sebastián, 48. PWSS, Ex-mild sutterer. Stuttering since age 10. How he found happiness speaking.


Male, 48, Chile (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Sebastián, 48. PWSS, Ex-mild sutterer. Stuttering since age 10. Success Story: 5 weeks without bad incidents. Expanding his comfort zones. ESP: Sebastián, 48, PQDT/PWSS, Ex-tartamudo leve. Tartamudeando desde los 10 años. Historia de Éxito/Success Story: 5 semanas sin malos incidentes. Expandiendos sus zonas de confort.


Male, 48, Chile (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Sebastián, 48. mild sutterer. Stuttering since age 10. Applying all parts of the Lovett method. Three weeks without bad incidents. ESP: Sebastián, 48, tartamudo leve. Tartamudeando desde los 10 años. Aplicando todas las partes del método Lovett. Tres semanas sin malos incidentes de habla.


Male, 48, Chile

Sebastián, 48, stuttering since age 10. Semi-severe stutterer. Working on Crutch 11, Speaking like a King.


Male, 48, Chile

Sebastian, 48. Stuttering since age 10. Learning Crutch 11, “Speaking like a King”.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image