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Female, 40, Georgia

Tamara, stuttering since age 3. Mild and stutterer. Fighting extreme fear of speaking to groups.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. Discussing ways to acquire the habit of using his Speech Plan more easily. Reasons to maintain eye contact while speaking.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. Drilling his Speech Plan. Reading aloud with feeling. The importance of having a positive mindset and rejecting negative thoughts.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. Drilling his Speech Plan. Ways to expand comfort zones.


Male, 35, Canada

Neil, 35, stuttering since age 4 up to 10% of his words, mainly blocks and repeats. Learning to use Crutches in high-pressured situations. Practicing Crutch 4.


Male, 35, Canada

Neil, 35, stuttering since age 4 up to 10% of his words, mainly blocks and repeats. Today we focused on getting over the fear of using the crutches because people might hear us using them and also using them under pressure.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. Major improvement in just one week, mostly thanks to speaking softly. Mastering speaking in shorter increments of words.


Female, 31, Canada

Sarah, 31. Stuttering since age 3 to up to 80% of her words. Severe stutterer. General Speech Plan to avoid choppy speech.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. First coaching session. Speech Plan for pressured situations. 3 Crutches to say names easily.


Male, 35, Italy

Nico, stutering since age 13. He’s a PWSS now. Three years fluent but still working on fears re formal speeches.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image