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Male, 37, Germany

Dennis, hasn’t had a bad incident in months, but he still freezes on an occasional word, not enough to appear speech disabled but still bothersome. We work on C1-8, especially C8, C4, C7 and thinking passion in general. Methods for Nagging First Word Issues.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. He’s a PWSS now. Getting ready for his SAM talk.


Male, 34, USA

Danny, stuttering from age 18, heavy blocking under pressure. Read my “How to Stop Stuttering” book a year; joined WSSA and watched coaching videos, and stopped stuttering in 2-3 months. Since then, he is talking at Toastmasters, and will give a SAM Talk this Saturday, and is training to become a Certified Speech Coach for […]


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks five languages and stuttered equally in all of them, from age 5, mainly facial ticks and silences, on most words in virtually all conversations. We work on speech plan of Short-Hum-Link-Stop and use Crutch 4 for first words. We answer questions and read aloud. By the end of the session, she is avoiding […]


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks five languages and stuttered equally in all of them, from age 5, mainly facial ticks and silences, on most words in virtually all conversations. She came to us in April, and has not stopped most stuttering, but last week, she had one bad incident and many uncomfortable ones. We urge a 24/7 speech […]


Male, 38, USA

Mike, 38, stuttering from age 5, mainly to groups, strangers and on phone. Years of therapies; used mechanical devices, etc., but didn’t help. Came to us in January and just posted his Stopped Stuttering Story. He is no longer thinking/fearing words, and is working on loving to speak. Will give SAM Talk this fall.


Male, 37, Croatia

Tino is a PWS. He started to stutter around the age of 5 to 20 to 30% of the words. In this session we are drilling on crutch 9 and also I explain the importance of exaggerating the crutches under high pressure situation


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. He’s a PWSS now. Beginning to prepare for his SAM talk.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Drilling linking and humming through words.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Thinking Short-Stop and avoiding continuums.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image