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Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Thinking Short-Stop and avoiding continuums.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. He’s a PWSS now. At least 6 weeks without bad incidents. Expanding comfort zones and rejecting residual fears.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Speech Plan stops stuttering for past 5 days.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. No bad in past week, but uncomfortable about 10% at home, 30% at work. Overcoming grimaces and forced words.


Male, 37, Germany

Dennis is a PWS. He started to stutter at a very young age around 60% of the words. Beating First Feared Word Problems.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. No bad in past week, but uncomfortable about 10% at home, 30% at work. Urge: Whisper-Short-Link-Stop or MESSAGE. Drill humming through words.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. He’s a PWSS now. At least 6 weeks without bad incidents. Explaining his new goals as a PWSS. Overcoming the fear to introductions.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. Fears introducing himself. Ways to eliminate choppiness in his speech when under pressure.


Male, 33, USA

Philip, 33, stuttering since age 6 to up to 20% of his words. Rejecting fear and overcoming speech anxiety.


Female, 40, Georgia

Tamara, stuttering since age 3. Mild and stutterer. Fighting extreme fear of speaking to groups.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image