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Male, 36, USA

Yusuke, 36. First coaching session. Overview of our program.


Male, 45, Canada

John, stuttering since age 6 up to 95% of his words, mainly blocks. First coaching session. Working on whispering, holding the tone, singing, modulating, and most importantly, speaking passionately.


Female, 35, Spain

Federica, stuttering since age 4-6 up to 50% of her words, mainly words in the middle of sentences. How to become a Speech Cop. Avoiding forcing words.


Male, 51, USA

Rajmohan, 51, stuttering since age 6 to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks. Working on modulation. Discussion about speech anxiety.


Male, 24, USA

Christian, 24, PWSS, stuttering since age 8 up to 50% of his words. How to keep improving after you stop stuttering.


Female, 31, USA

Sarah, 31. Stuttering since age 3 to up to 80% of her words. Severe stutterer. What she must do to avoid choppy speech.


Female, 31, USA

Sarah, 31. Stuttering since age 3 to up to 80% of her words. Severe stutterer. Working on not holding back.


Girl, 13, Australia

Izzy, 13. Severe stutterer, stuttering since age 6 up to 85% of her words, mainly blocks. Finding fluency with several Crutches.


Male, 40, USA

Ole has been stuttering since age 4 with about 35-40% blocks. He is a total shut down blocker in certain situations. Today we worked on his Emergency Speech Plan and Crutch 4.


Male, 28, USA

Moises, 28, stuttering since age 5, mainly repeats now, on up to 80% of his words. Classic first coaching session.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image