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Male, 24, Mexico

Clay, 24, PWSS, used to be a mild stutterer. Stuttering for as long as he remembers, on up to 80% of his words. How to smooth his speech and avoid choppiness.


Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer. The importance of stopping instead of forcing a word.


Male, 36, USA

Sumit, 36, stuttering since highschool up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences. First coaching session. Overview of the program and explanation of Crutches 1 to 8.


Female, 31, USA

Sarah, 31. Stuttering since age 3 to up to 80% of her words. Severe stutterer. Drilling linking and humming.


Male, 36, USA

Yusuke, 36. Stuttering since a very early age, mainly blocks and silences. Covert stutterer. Drilling Crutches 1-8.


Male, 24, USA

Daniel, stuttering since age 3, mainly blocks and repeats to up to 80% of his words. First coahing session. Overviewing Crutches 7 to 12 and the Emergency Speech Plan.


Male, 45, Canada

John, stuttering since age 6 up to 95% of his words, mainly blocks. Working on speaking immediately, passionately and avoiding word-planning.


Male, 20, USA

Sahil, 20, stuttering since age 10. Mild stuttering. Word-repeater. Working on class presentations.


Male, 45, Canada

John, stuttering since age 6 up to 95% of his words, mainly blocks. Drilling several Crutches to avoid blocks. Learning to become a Speech Cop.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image