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Female, 34, Sweden

Silvia, 34, severe stutterer. First coaching session. Beating it with the book.


Male, 31, United Kingdom

Ciaran, 31, stuttering since age 5 to 50% of his words. Severe stutterer. Drilling Crutches 1 to 8 to say names. Humming and linking words to stops. Huge progress.


Male, 34, USA

Shuozhi, 34, stuttering since age 6. Semi-severe stutterer. Humming singing and linking words to full stops.


Male, 31, United Kingdom

Ciaran, 31, stuttering since age 5 to 50% of his words. Severe stutterer. Working on Crutches 1 to 8.


Female, 30, USA (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Claudia, 30, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. How to deal with stressful situations and conversations. ESP: Claudia, 30, tartamudez severa. Tartamudeando desde los 3 años. Como tratar con situaciones y conversaciones estresantes.


Male, 20, USA

Jordan, 20, stuttering since age 12. Severe stutterer. Expanding C-11, King’s Speech.


Male, 48, United Kingdom

John, 48, stuttering since ange 4. Heavy repeater. Second coaching session. Working Crutches 1-8 and 11.


Male, 25, USA (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Josue, 25, mild stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. First coaching session. Overviewing the Crutches and the method. ESP: Josue, 25, tartamudo leve. Tartamudeando desde los 5 años. Primera sesión de coaching. Repasando las Muletas/Crutches y el método Lovett en general.


Male, 24, United Kingdom (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 6. Second coaching session. Speaking fluently like a King. ESP: Brian, 24, tartamudo severo. Tartamudeando desde los 6 años. Segunda sesión de coaching. Hablando fluidamente como un Rey.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image