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Male, 23, USA

Mohi, 23, situational stutterer, stuttering since age 6 up toi 30% of his words, mainly blocks and silences. Crutches for first words, Crutches 1-8.


Male, 43, Ireland

Phil, 43, situational stutterer, stuttering since age 7 up to 65% of his words, mainly blocks and repeats. Overviewing most of the Crutches.


Male, 19, New Zealand

Today we discussed Sahan’s bad incident that he had and we practiced each crutch and proved how easy it would have been to use any of the crutches in the situation.


Boy, 12, USA

Zak, 12, and his dad, Renny. Zak is a mild stutterer (repeater). Crutches 1 to 8 and word linkage and how to do Affirmations.


Male, 24, USA

Clay, mild stutterer, stuttering for as long as he remembers. Noticeable improvement in his speech.


Female, 17, USA

Stephanie, 17. Situational stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Working on Crutches 1-8, and on linking words.


Male, 19, USA

Sahil, 19, stuttering since age 10. Mild stuttering. Word-repeater. Working on Crutches 1-8 and word-linkage.


Male, 24, USA

Clay, stuttering for as long as he remembers. First coaching session. Overview of the program and all the Crutches.


Female, 23, Canada

Rachel is a PWS. She stutters: When talking to your family/friends – 80% When talking strangers, authority figures – 80% When talking on the phone – 90% In this session, I introduced her to the Lovett Method and we spoke about the 1,2,3 punch. We also briefly went through each crutch.


Male, 24, USA

Christian, 24, stuttering since age 8 up to 50% of his words. Working on Crutches 1-8.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image