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Male, 25, USA

Robbie, 25, Texas. severe stuttering from age 6 on many words in most conversations. Came to us in mid-2017 and beat it in a few months, but he did not finish the program. He gradually began stuttering again. He came back to us 2023. We work on humming through words, speaking in short increments, speaking […]


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. No bad in past week, but uncomfortable about 10% at home, 30% at work. Urge: Whisper-Short-Link-Stop or MESSAGE. Drill humming through words.


Female, 29, Australia

Brie. 29. Suffering spadmodic dysphonia since age 21. Girl working on spasmodic dysphonia — voice-spasms that break words.


Male, 24, USA

Daniel, PWSS, stuttering since age 3, mainly blocks and repeats to up to 80% of his words. Catch-up session with Lee.


Female, Germany

Eugenia, stuttering since age 5 to up to 70% of her words, mainly blocks and grimaces, on around 50% of her conversations. How to stop forcing words.


Female, France

Elle, stuttering since age 6, mainly blocks and silences. Singer beating blocks with Pressure Speech Plan.


Male, 41, United Kingdom

Ahsan, stuttering since age 7, up to 80% of his words. He is now a PWSS. Attorney beating relapse.


Female, USA

Yuna, stutter age 5 to 80% of words, worst on phone and to groups. She’s a PWSS now. A Speech Plan to Stop Avoiding Talking.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, used to stutter, she’s a PWSS now. Working on Speech Plan and pronunciation.


Female, 24, USA

Stutering since age 5 to up to 90% of her words in 90% of situations. The condition precedent to beating stuttering.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image