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Male, 88, USA

Darrell, 88, stuttering all his life, mainly repeats on up to 40% of his words, mainly with family and friends. How to avoid fast repeating.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Drilling linking and humming through words.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Thinking Short-Stop and avoiding continuums.


Male, 25, USA

Robbie, 25, Texas. severe stuttering from age 6 on many words in most conversations. Came to us in mid-2017 and beat it in a few months, but he did not finish the program. He gradually began stuttering again. He came back to us 2023. Drilling Speech Plan of Short-Stop with no continuums.


Female, USA

Marchelle, M.D and CMO of her hospital, stuttering from age 14, repeats, blocks and skipped words mainly in Board Room presentations. Had a GOOD week. Using Soft-Slow mainly. I add Short. We discuss many other options. She is reading aloud much better as well. Working on public speaking,


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. Speech Plan stops stuttering for past 5 days.


Male, 25, USA

Robbie, 25, Texas. severe stuttering from age 6 on many words in most conversations. Came to us in mid-2017 and beat it in a few months, but he did not finish the program. He gradually began stuttering again. He came back to us 2023. Drilling ways to avoid clearly stuttering.


Male, USA

Mike, stuttering since age 5 to up to 50% of his words. Drilling Pressure Speech Plan and focus on message.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks 5 languages, stutter/breaks words age 5 to 70% of words (grimaces and forced words) and appears speech disabled in about half her conversations. No bad in past week, but uncomfortable about 10% at home, 30% at work. Overcoming grimaces and forced words.


Male, 25, USA

Robbie, 25, Texas. severe stuttering from age 6 on many words in most conversations. Came to us in mid-2017 and beat it in a few months, but he did not finish the program. He gradually began stuttering again. He came back to us 2023. Using sounds to avoid stutters.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image