Unveiling the Hexagon: A Neuroscientific Approach to Overcoming Stuttering


Stuttering, a complex speech disorder that affects individuals across the globe, has been the subject of extensive research and various therapeutic approaches. In this exploration, we delve into John Harrison’s revolutionary concept, the “Hexagon,” and its profound relevance to the Neuroscience Method—a term coined by the author. Although the author’s paths crossed with John Harrison in 2020, the philosophical parallels between the hexagon and the neuroscience method became apparent, sparking a deeper understanding of stuttering and its resolution.

Understanding Stuttering

To embark on the journey of comprehending the hexagon and its connection to the neuroscience method, it is crucial to establish a shared understanding of stuttering. The conventional definition of stuttering involves repeating, chopping, blocking (silences), and/or forcing speech, leading to choppy words, grimaces, or total silences. Psychiatrists categorize the latter manifestation as “selective mutism.” This diverse spectrum of stuttering includes both verbal repetitions and prolonged silences, each contributing to a speech disability evident to non-stuttering observers.

“Stuttering is the wrong word for the problem,” contends John Harrison, propelling the discussion into a new realm. According to Harrison, the more fitting term is “holding back.” This shift in terminology carries profound implications, emphasizing the internal struggle and inhibition inherent in stuttering. As Socrates advocated, serious discourse demands a clear definition of key terms. Thus, stuttering, as explored in this section, encompasses any speech marked by a disabled level of repeats, forced words, and/or blocks or silences, often accompanied by facial distortions or unnatural body movements.

The hexagon unveiled

Central to our exploration is John Harrison’s Hexagon, a conceptual framework that dissects the underlying factors contributing to stuttering. The hexagon posits that to effectively address and overcome stuttering, one must navigate six crucial dimensions. While the specifics of the hexagon’s components aren’t explicitly outlined in the provided material, the overarching philosophy serves as a guiding principle for the Neuroscience Method.

Philosophical Parallels

Despite the author’s initial lack of knowledge about John Harrison and the Hexagon, a remarkable convergence of philosophical principles emerges. The term “holding back” resonates as a powerful descriptor for the internal struggle within stuttering, aligning with the Neuroscience Method’s focus on addressing the root causes of speech impediments. This section explores the nuanced parallels between the hexagon and the neuroscience method, shedding light on a shared vision for effective stuttering intervention.

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