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Male, 33, Costa Rica

Ricardo, 33, stuttering since young age, situational stutterer. Second coaching session. Changing his mindset about stuttering. Urging him to be a Speech Cop all the time.


Male, 38, Australia

Mark, 38, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. He is close to becoming a PWSS. Dealing with difficult speaking situations.


Male, 32, USA

Jules, 32. Mild stutterer. Praising Lee Lovett’s book.


Male, 31, USA

Imran, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Crutches not only help us avoid bad incidents, they actually improve our speech. There is no need to be reluctant to use them.


Male, 33, Costa Rica (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Ricardo, 33, stuttering since young age, situational stutterer. First coaching session. Demonstrating all the Crutches. ESP: Ricardo, 33, tartamudeando desde edad temprana, tartamudo situacional. Primera sesión de coaching. Demostración de las Muletas/Crutches.


Male, 31, USA

Imran, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Using Crutch 10-word-linkage.


Female, 32, USA

Kelly, 32, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. Using a form of singing-talking to stop severe stutters.


Male, 38, Australia

Mark, 38, severe stuttererr. Stuttering since age 3. Significant improvement: not a single bad incident during the session. He is closer to becoming a PWSS than he thinks, he just needs to put some more extra effort.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image