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Male, 38, Ecuador (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Luis, 38, suttering since age 8. Semi-severe stutterer. Explaining how he has become a Speech Cop. ESP: Luis, 38, tartamudeando desde los 8 años. Tartamudo semi-severo. Explicando cómo se ha convertido en un Speech Cop/Policía del Habla.


Male, 31, United Kingdom

Apoorv, 30, stuttered since age 8. Ex-mild stutterer, now PWSS. What he’s doing to learn to love to speak everywhere.


Male, 33, Costa Rica (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Ricardo, 33, stuttering since young age, situational stutterer. Getting closer and closer to becoming a PWSS. How to be a Speech Cop. ESP: Ricardo, 33, tartamudeando desde edad temprana, tartamudo situacional. Decir nombres es sencillo. Cada vez má cerca de convertirse en una PQDT/PWSS. Cómo ser un Speech Cop.


Male, 38, Ecuador (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Luis, 38, suttering since age 8. Semi-severe stutterer. From using extreme pronunciation and speaking like a King to not thinking words in a few minutes. ESP: Luis, 38, tartamudeando desde los 8 años. En pocos minutos pasa de hablar extremando la pronunciación y como un Rey a no planificar sus palabras.


Male, 31, USA

Imran, 31, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. What to do if you want to expedite your self-cure. Learning how to speak with extreme pronunciation and like a King.


Female, 34, USA

Kelly, 34, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. Holding tones and adding mild melody.


Male, 38, Ecuador (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Luis, 38, suttering since age 8. Semi-severe stutterer. Speaking completely fluently when using the Crutches. ESP: Luis, 28, tartamudeando desde los 8 años. Hablando de forma completamente fluida usando las Muletas/Crutches.


Male, 31, USA

Imran, 31, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Using word linkage to avoid middle-word issues and smoothing our speech.


Female, 31, United Kingdom

Ese, 31, severe and situational stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Beating it via WSSA’s video courses.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image