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Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. Breaking down one bad incident.


Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. No bad incidents last week. Several uncomfortable incidents. We discuss various Crutches that would help. We drill his speech plan, Short-Link-Stop-Pronunciation and add […]


Male, Czech Republic

Jiri, stuttering since 2nd grade to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences, now lots of chops. Using sound-launching to avoid first word blocks.


Male, Czech Republic

Jiri, stuttering since 2nd grade to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences, now lots of chops. Drill linking and sound launching first words and thinking message. He is fully fluent in spirts.


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). Fourth coaching session. Coach Lee joins us again and reminds Daniel to hold the tone through his words, softly and in short increments.


Male, 19, USA

Timi, 19, stuttering since aprox. age 5-8, to up to 40% of his words, mainly blocks. Fourth coaching session. Three weeks since last bad incident. Huge improvement. Working on his high-pressured situations: the phone and groups of more than 10 people.


Male, 26, Russia

Sergey, 26, Moscow, stutter age 3, 70% blocks, 10% repeats, 20% grimaces. He has worked hard on his own before Skyping and has eliminated most of the problem. Beating blocks with Crutches No. 4 and 8 and a Speech Plan.


Male, Czech Republic

Jiri, stuttering since 2nd grade to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences. Drilling Ways to Change Mind’s Focus.


Male, 26, Russia

Sergey, 26, Moscow, stutter age 3, 70% blocks, 10% repeats, 20% grimaces. Second coaching session. He has worked hard on his own before Skyping and has eliminated most of the problem. No bad incidents last week and only thinking about 20% of words. Drill Speech Plan. Modify it to Slow-Short-Link-Stop. We work on slowing his […]


Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. Says he has improved a lot, but still stutters, repeats, blocks and grimaces quite a bit. Drill Speech Plan and Crutch 4.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image