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Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. Two weeks since last bad incident. His speech is still choppy though. Working on his speech plan and speaking slightly slower. Working on […]


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). His speech has improved. We continue to drill his Speech Plan: hum + link + stops. Daniel’s speech is worse when he speaks with his family. We discuss the reasons and solutions.


Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. Coach Lee joins us. John had a bad incident last week. Inserting longer stops and holding tones to beat choppiness.


Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. Coach Lee joins us. Almost 3 weeks since last bad incidents. Eliminating residual choppiness. Getting John prepared for his Stop Stuttering Story.


Female, 27, Australia

Karen, lifelong stutterer. Stutters to up to 90% of her words. Repeats, blocks, silences and grimaces. Second coaching session. Her speech has improved mainly thanks to speaking more slowly. Ways to deal with high-pressured situations. Practicing her Speech Plan: short + link + stops.


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). No improvements since last week due to lack of discipline. Drilling humming, linking and short increments.


Male, 23, USA

John, 23, Chicago, medical student. Came to us in 2019 but dropped out; came back in 2020, and again now. Stutter age 8 to 75% of conversations, half or so of words. Coach Lee joins us. Learning to link in short increments in order to smooth his speech.


Male, 20, United Kingdom

Nadim, stuttering since age 6 to up to 50% of his words. He’s a PWSS now. He’s very close to completing our program. To finish it, he must focus more on Crutch 13, “No Crutch at All”.


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). Holding the tone in a soft voice.


Female, 27, Australia

Karen, lifelong stutterer. Stutters to up to 90% of her words. Repeats, blocks, silences and grimaces. First coaching session. Learning to use some Crutches for Feared First Words and her Speech Plan.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image