Be a Determined Speech Cop: Enforcing Your No-Stuttering Law

In the realm of conquering stuttering, one must first acknowledge a crucial truth: whether consciously or subconsciously, individuals who stutter must consent and commit to stuttering. The journey to overcoming stuttering begins with the resolute withdrawal of this consent and the unwavering refusal to stutter. This seemingly paradoxical task is the essence of the one-two-three punch, a method outlined in this transformative guide.

The Power of Determination: A Law to Live By

The initial step toward victory over stuttering is to embrace the new law: “I SHALL NOT STUTTER.” This proclamation may seem audacious or even insane, but it is the foundation upon which the battle against stuttering is fought. To successfully enforce this law, one must follow the prescribed steps: hear maximum fluency, engage in auto-suggestions (ASTs) and/or self-hypnosis techniques (SHTs), and master the crutches.

Self-Discipline: The Key to Success

Much like endeavors such as building muscle, losing weight, or acquiring knowledge, overcoming stuttering demands a considerable amount of self-discipline. The most challenging yet essential aspect of this method is to become a “speech cop.” This role entails enforcing the “I shall not stutter” law against oneself. Just as individuals adhere to fitness routines or dietary restrictions, the same level of dedication is required to abstain from stuttering.

Crutch No. 11: When All Else Fails

To enforce the “I shall not stutter” law effectively, one must embrace Crutch No. 11, also known as “When All Else Fails” or “Speak Like a King.” This crutch, akin to speaking techniques taught in acting schools, becomes the last line of defense when faced with an imminent stuttering threat.

Steps to Embrace Crutch No. 11:

(i) Stop Talking for a Two-Count: Interrupt the flow of speech with a brief pause, giving yourself a momentary break and preventing the escalation of stuttering.

(ii) Speak in Short Bursts with Pauses: Convey thoughts in brief bursts of 1–7 words, halting after each snippet. This technique fosters an elevated and controlled speaking style.

(iii) Change Voice Register: Experiment with different voice registers, such as a soft voice, a whisper, or a louder voice. Utilize word-linkage, extreme pronunciation, or modulation as needed.

(iv) Maintain a Smile: Infuse positivity into your speech by smiling throughout the conversation.

(v) Explore Additional Techniques: If all else fails, hold a tone, sing through challenging words, or resort to writing and speaking simultaneously.

The Power of Writing: A Surprising Ally

While the suggestion of writing may initially seem unconventional, for some, it serves as a valuable tool in moments of speech difficulty. One individual shared their progress, stating that writing or showing a picture during challenging times immediately opened the fluency channels.

Embrace the journey; refuse to stutter

To refuse to stutter is a conscious decision, but it doesn’t mean sacrificing effective communication. Speaking in short increments with pauses, employing crutches, or resorting to writing can significantly enhance speech and propel individuals along the road to fluency.

The battle to enforce the “I shall not stutter” law may be challenging, but the journey promises continuous improvement and eventual victory. Becoming a Speech Cop is a transformative process, and as the commitment to improvement persists, fluent speech becomes an achievable reality. Explore the practical application of being a speech cop in a real-life scenarios on World Stop Stuttering Association’s coaching video library.

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