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Male, 23, India

Shubham, stuttering since age 6. Severe stutterer. Learns mind game.


Male, 22, India

Dhanush, 22, mild stutterer, stuttering since age 5. Learns to be a speech cop under pressure.


Male, 23, Trinidad & Tobago

Rondel, Hits fluency both in work and school. He has been using C-4,9,10 a lot and has blended these crutches as a part of his speech which is amazing!! His speech has improved in light years!!


Male, 22, India

Dhanush, 22, stuttering since age 5. Mild stutterer. Demonstrating King’s speech while practicing giving a presentation.


Female, 30, USA (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Claudia, 30, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Second coaching session with Javier. Solving middle-word issues with Crutches 7-12. ESP: Claudia, 30, tartamudez severa. Tartamudeando desde los 3 años. Segunda sesión de coaching con Javier. Resolviendo problemas con palabras en mitad de las frases gracias a las Muletas/Crutches 7-12.


Male, 27, USA

Tyler, 27. Explains why he will post a Success Story.


Male, 23, India

Amit, 23, mild stutterer, stuttering since age 5. Analysing a bad incident. Why we shouldn’t rely on only one or two Crutches.


Male, 21, Norway

Artis, 21, stuttering since age 5. Severe stutterer. He demonstrates five Crutches perfectly.


Male, 23, India

Shubham, 23. Severe stutterrer. Stuttering since age 6. Session highlights. Solving First Feared Word problems with Crutches 1, 4, 8 and 9.


Boy, 10, Macedonia

Ivan, 10. coaching through her mother, Ivana. Stressing pronunciation and enthusiasm.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image