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Male, 24, United Kingdom

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer. Learning modulation and to emphasize words to speak more passionately.


Male, 21, Norway

Artis, 21, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 7. Creating alternate, fixed speech-game-plans.


Female, 34, Sweden

Silvia, 34, ex-severe stutterer, now a PWSS. Steps to beat fear.


Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona is a PWS from England. She started to stutter since she was 2 years old, up  to 40% of the words. Speaking slowly and linking herwords has helped her the most. We have also been working on Crutch 9 a lot lately, combined with modulating.


Male, 24, United Kingdom (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer. Being passionate in order to speak fluently. Tips for presentations. ESP: Brian, 24, tartamudo severo. Tartamudeando desde los 6 años. Ser apasionado para hablar fluidamente. Consejos para dar presentaciones.


Female, Japan

Sun, stuttering since age 13 to 50% of her words. A plan for speaking under pressure.


Male, 23, Singapore

Bharath began stuttering at the age of 16 to 40% of his words and with time his stutter got worse. He is very fluent now and his speech is  amazing, as you can see from this video. We worked on Crutches 8, 9, 10 and 1 in this session.


Male, 52, USA

Michael is a PWS. He is from Minneapolis, USA. He has been using Crutch 8 and 11 mostly but he still hesitates while speaking which leads to choppy speech. But in this session we drilled on the 4 ways to achieve modulation. We also drilled on Crutch 9 and 10 combined together. With a bit […]


Male, 52, USA

Michael is a PWS. He is from Minneapolis, USA. He has been using Crutches 8 and 11 mostly but he still hesitates while speaking which leads to choppy speech. But in this session we drilled on the 4 ways to achieve modulation. We also drilled on Crutch 9 and 10 combined together. With a bit […]


Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona is a PWS. She is from Bristol, England. Her speech is improving a lot but still she allows herself to block so we came up with an emergency plan in this session.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image