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Male, 37, Romania

Gabriel is a PWS. He is a situational stutterer. In this session we are drilling on Crutch 8 and he is really comfortable with this crutch as it helps him to achieve the fluency almost instantly. PS: Towards the end we had internet problem so only 40 mins of the session is recorded.


Male, 30, USA

Paramjith Singh (or Paul Singh) is a PWS from California. His stutter is worse sometimes but certain times he is completely fluent. We already had Q&A session so he is clear about what he needs to do. In this session, we drilled on Crutch 9 and 8.


Male, 21, USA

Luke is from Illinois, USA. He is a PWSS. Last week he had a minor relapse as he was not doing the 1,2,3 punch religiously and he also allowed the negative thoughts to dominate his mind. But now he is completely back on track and he is doing his mind training diligently and he is […]


Male, 37, Germany

Dennis is a PWS. He started to stutter at the age of 5 to 25-30% of the words. He has been practicing Crutch 9 last week and it has helped him a lot. Still he experiences bad incidents but the more he focusses on the crutch while speaking, the lesser he will have the bad […]


Male, 21, USA

Vishal is a PWS. He started to stutter at the age of 5 to 40-50% of the words. He has successfully crossed 3 weeks without a bad incident. In today’s session we drilled on Crutches 9, 10, 11, 1 and Emergency Speech Plan. His speech is simply amazing!


Male, 34, USA

Shuozhi, 34, stuttering since age 6. Used to be a semi-severe stutterer, he’s now a PWSS. How to be fluent when public speaking.


Boy, 12, USA

Zak, 12, and his dad, Renny. Zak is a mild stutterer (repeater). Fighting repeats.


Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona has come a long way. She started to stutter at the age of 2 to 40% of the words. She used to fear first words but not anymore. She has practiced Crutch 8 so well that it has become her 2nd nature. She speaks so beautifully. We also had a phone call activity in […]


Male, 21, USA

Luke is a PWSS. He has been caught up on negative thinking for quite sometime which led him to focus on the problem instead of focusing on the solution. In this session, we talk about the importance of overriding the negative thoughts with the positive affirmations and we also drilled on Crutches 10,9 combined and […]


Male, 37, Germany

Dennis started to stutter at the age of 5 to 25-30% of the words. He has minor blocks, FFW and sometimes fears the middle words as well. He finds it hard to speak over phone. He went to McGuire program a year back and has attended certain speech therapies within Germany. This is our first […]

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image