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Male, 28, USA

Siddharth is a PWS from Boston. In this session we drilled on C-9,10 and singing. For the first feared words, we drilled on C-1 and 7


Male, 34, USA

Abe is a PWS from San Francisco. His speech sounds fluent and he has been practicing C-9 and it has helped him a lot. In this session, we drilled on C-11,1,4 and 7


Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer. Practicing Crutches 1, 4 and 8.


Male, 36, USA

Yusuke, 36. Stuttering since a very early age, mainly blocks and silences. Covert stutterer. Drilling C-1-8 and 11.


Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer. Drilling Crutches for FFW. Stopping having bad incidents is a must in order to become a PWSS.


Male, 36, USA

Yusuke, 36. Stuttering since a very early age, mainly blocks and silences. Covert stutterer. Avoiding blocks during lectures.


Female, 31, Canada

Sarah, 31. Stuttering since age 3 to up to 80% of her words. Severe stutterer. Fighting word-thinking-choppiness.


Male, 40, USA

Dave has been stuttering since he was a child and blocks on roughly 10% of his words in casual conversation. Today we went over all 13 crutches and practiced his Emergency Speech Plan.


Male, 49, Mexico

Jorge Luis, began stuttering as an adult, in university. Stuttering on up to 30% of his words. Drilling Crutches 1-8; discussing the fluency pyramid.


Male, 16, Moldova

Iulian, 16, stuttering since age 5-6 on up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks. First coaching session. Going through Crutches 1 to 12 and the Emergency Speech Plan.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image