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Male, 22, United Kingdom

Abdulla, 22, stuttering since age 5 to up to 30% of his words, very situational, mainly repeats and blocks. 2 weeks without bad incidents. He is very close to becoming a PWSS. Ways to continue improving.


Male, 24, Pakistan

Hissan, 24, stuttering since age 7 to up to 90% of his words. Classic summary of our program.


Male, 22, United Kingdom

Abdulla, 22, stuttering since age 5 to up to 30% of his words, very situational, mainly repeats and blocks. Learning to use his Speech Plan.


Female, USA

Sherry. Drilling Crutches 1-8 on First Words.


Male, 22, United Kingdom

Abdulla, 22, stuttering since age 5 to up to 30% of his words, very situational, mainly repeats and blocks. First coaching session. Overview of the main points of the program.


Male, 24, USA

Mateo, 24, stuttering since age 6 to up to 80% of his words, mainly blocks, repeats and grimaces. First coaching session.


Male, 26, Tunisia

Oussama, 26, shut-down blocker. Practicing Crutches for Feared First Words. Revision of his affirmations.


Male, 22, United Kingdom

Dem, 22, stuttering since age 4 to up to 30% of his words. First coaching session. Overview of the Lovett Method. Discussing fears and anxiety.


Male, 25, Tunisia

Oussama, 25, shut-down blocker. Drilling Crutches to overcome blocks.


Male, 23, Australia

Dilan, 23, stuttering since age 5 to up to 100% of his words, mainly repeats and blocks. First coaching session. Going through all the Crutches and developing a Speech Plan.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image