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Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer, now he is a mild PWS, but still fighting First Feared Words.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, also stutters. Drilling First Word Crutches.


Male, 25, USA

Christian, 25, PWSS, stuttering since age 8 up to 50% of his words. How to overcome a replapse.


Male, 46, Canada

John, stuttering since age 6 up to 95% of his words, mainly blocks. Speaking softly to reduce the pressure while speaking.


Female, 22, USA

Lauren, 22, stuttering since age 5 to up to 70% of her words, mainly blocks and grimmaces. Solutions for high-pressured situations, especially job interviews.


Male, 40, USA

Brent, 40, stuttering since age 5 to up to 25% of his words (repeats, silences and blocks). Learning to say names without problems.


Male, 21, United Kingdom

Daniel, 21, stuttering since age 8 up to 80% of his words, mainly with blocks and forcing words. Focusing on Emergency Speech Plan.


Female, 22, Canada

Eleanor, 22, PWSS, used to stutter on up to 70% of her words. Recovering from a relapse.


Male, 88, USA

Darrell, 88, stuttering all his life, mainly repeats on up to 40% of his words, mainly with family and friends. Beating fast repeats.


Male, 40, USA

Brent, 40, stuttering since age 5 to up to 25% of his words (repeats, silences and blocks). First coaching session- Drilling some Crutches and developing a Speech Plan.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image