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Female, 35, Spain

Federica, stuttering since age 4-6 up to 50% of her words, mainly words in the middle of sentences. First coaching session. Going through Crutches 7-12.


Male, 19, New Zealand

Today we discussed Sahan’s bad incident that he had and we practiced each crutch and proved how easy it would have been to use any of the crutches in the situation.


Male, 51, USA

Rajmohan, 51, stuttering since age 6 to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks. First coaching session. Developing a Speech Plan.


Male, 42, USA

Dean, 42, stuttering since age of 10 to up to 80% of his words. Severe stutterer. First session after two months. Working on enthusiasm.


Male, 40, USA

Ole, age 40. Stuttering since age 4 with about 35-40% blocks. He is a total shut down blocker in certain situations. Today we drilled each crutch as well as how to use them.


Male, 43, Ireland

Phil, 43, situational stutterer, stuttering since age 7 up to 65% of his words, mainly blocks and repeats. First coaching session. Overview of the Lovett method. Introduction to the Emergency Speech Plan and some of the Crutches for First Feared Words.


Male, 24, United Kingdom (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer, stuttering since age 6, he’s a PWSS now. Fighting against speech anxiety. ESP: Brian, 24, tartamudo severo, tartamudeando desde los 6 años, ahora es una PWSS/PQDT. Luchando contra la ansiedad al hablar,


Male, 37, Germany

Dennis is a PWS. He started to stutter at the age of 5 to 25-30% of the words. He has attended McGuire Program a year back without success. In this session we drilled on Crutches 4, 10, 11, humming and his Emergency Speech Plan.


Male, 30, USA

Paramjith Singh or Paul Singh is a PWS from California. He started to stutter at a age of 4 to 60% of the words. Phone calls were a nightmare for him before. But with crutches and mind training, he is improving in phone calls. In this session we drilled on Crutches 4, 10 and 11.


Male, 34, USA

Pedro is a PWS from Las Vegas. He started to stutter at the age of 5 to 30% of the words. In this session we drilled on Crutches 4, 10 and 11.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image