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Female, 30, USA

Alexia, 30, stuttering since age 8 to up to 30% of her words, mainly repeats and blocks. PWSS now. Attacking anxiety in general.


Male, 26, USA

Arthur, 26, PWSS, stuttering since age 5 up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and repetitions. Drilling humming and linking.


Female, 40, USA

Sue, 40, stuttering since 3rd grade on up to 50% of her words, mainly repeats. Situational stutterer. How to approach high-pressured situations.


Male, 24, Mexico

Oreste, 24, stuttering since age 4, ceased for a while, came back when aged 19, up to 70% of words, mainly blocks. We have drilled Crutch N.4, and then combined it with Crutch N. 8, 9 and 10.


Male, 24, Mexico

Oreste, 24, stuttering since age 4, ceased for a while, came back when aged 19, up to 70% of words, mainly blocks. 4th session, drilling Emergency Speech Plan (less-link-stop), discussing AST and Self-Hypnosis Treatment.


Male, 24, Mexico

Oreste, 24, stuttering since age 4, ceased for a while, came back when aged 19, up to 70% of words, mainly blocks. Fifth session, working on ESP (less-link-stop), five words at a time, and bringing more musicality to his voice.


Male, 36, USA

Yusuke, 36. Stuttering since a very early age, mainly blocks and silences. Covert stutterer, now a PWSS. General and Panic Speech Plans to fight fears.


Girl, 9, Canada

Fiora, 9, & Mom (Amber), Newfoundland, CDA, stutter from age 7 to half of words. This 9-year-old read the book herself, as did her mom, and she eliminated 80% of before Skyping with Lee. She’s a PWSS now. Reading with feeling purifies speech.


Male, United Kingdom

Greg is a PWS. He currently lives in the UK. In this session we are drilling on C-9.C-8 and Emergency Speech Plan.


Male, 22, USA

Luke is a PWSS. SAM speech practice.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image