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Male, 26, Russia

Sergey, 26, Moscow, stutter age 3, 70% blocks, 10% repeats, 20% grimaces. He has worked hard on his own before taking coaching sessions, and has eliminated most of the problem. Using Speech Plan to beat fear.


Male, Czech Republic

Jiri, stuttering since 2nd grade to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences, now lots of chops. Drilling four elements to stop massive blocks.


Male, India

Rohith, stuttering since age 8, to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces). From 75% bad incidents to 15% in 3 months.


Male, Czech Republic

Jiri, stuttering since 2nd grade to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences, now lots of chops. Using first word as sound launch to stop stutters.


Male, 40, USA

Dave has been stuttering since he was a child and blocks on roughly 5% of his words in casual conversation. How to stop planning words and beat fear.


Male, Czech Republic

Jiri, stuttering since 2nd grade to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences, now lots of chops. Drilling his 24/7 speech plan to stop blocking.


Male, India

Rohith, stuttering since age 8, to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces). Drilling Crutch 4.


Male, 40, USA

Dave has been stuttering since he was a child and blocks on roughly 5% of his words in casual conversation. Working on Emergency Speech Plan and Crutch 11.


Female, Ethiopia

Ariane. African Diplomat, stuttering from age 4 to 70% of words. Has now stopped bad incidents (our 1st Base) and has even stopped planning and fearing words (our 2nd Base), and is working on loving to speak everywhere.


Male, 40, USA

Dave has been stuttering since he was a child and blocks on roughly 5% of his words in casual conversation. How to stop planning words and beat fear.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image