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Male, 22, Mexico

Ricky, 22, Mexico, psychology major, stutter age 5 to 80% of words with authorities, 60% with mainly, in 30% of conversations; thinks negatively about speech 50 minutes of every hour. Therapists taught methods that he “hates”. Has read book, joined WSSA, studied Crutches etc. No bad incidents in past month. Working on C-4 and 8, […]


Female, 27, Morocco

Fatoumata, 27, has done fast repeats in 90% of her conversations, mostly on the first few words. Two of her siblings stutter but do not live with her now. No bad incidents since mid-August. Urge speaking slowly and hold threatened repeats. PSP for school: Short-Slow-Link-Stop. We drill C-4, 8 and 1 re FFW’s. Good example […]


Male, 30, USA

Tarek, 30, stuttering since age 6 to up to 60% of his words. Very situational stutterer. Has been trying our methods “part time” for a year or so. Has been coached a few times recently by Javier, and today by Lee. Can’t remember last bad but still uncomfortable speech at work and with females. Drill […]


Female, 27, Morocco

Fatoumata, 27, has done fast repeats in 90% of her conversations, mostly on the first few words. Two of her siblings stutter but do not live with her now. No bad incidents for several weeks. Speaking slowly and holding first words has been her 24/7 Speech Plan. Her Pressure SP is Short-Slow-Link-Stop.


Female, USA

Sherry, stutter age 4 to 80% of words in public speaking and 50% to family, has not had a bad incident since July and will now post her SSS. Still battling uncomfortable, halting but not disabled speech. Urge Pressure Speech Plan of Short-Link-Stop. Drill using sounds and alternate words to connect to blocked words.


Male, 22, Mexico

Ricky, 22, Mexico, psychology major, stutter age 5 to 80% of words with authorities, 60% with mainly, in 30% of conversations; thinks negatively about speech 50 minutes of every hour. Therapists taught methods that he “hates”. Has read book, joined WSSA, studied Crutches etc. This is our 3rd session, no bad incidents in past two […]


Male, 30, USA

Tarek, 30, stuttering since age 6 to up to 60% of his words. Very situational stutterer. Has been trying our methods “part time” for a year or so. Has been coached a few times recently by Javier, and today by Lee. Can’t remember his last bad incident, but still has many fears and maneuvers around […]


Female, 27, Morocco

Fatoumata, 27, has done fast repeats in 90% of her conversations, mostly on the first few words. Two of her siblings stutter but do not live with her now. One week ago, in her first coaching session, urged her to adopt Speech Plan of Slow-Soft-Smile-Short, and, if repeats occurred to hold and stretch the syllable […]


Female, 27, Morocco

Fatoumata, 27, has done fast repeats in 90% of her conversations, mostly on the first few words. Two of her siblings stutter but do not live with her now. Here, we urge and drill a Speech Plan of Slow-Soft-Smile-Short and ask her to use it 24/7. A second choice Speech Plan we suggest is Hold-Link-Stop.


Male, 30, USA

Tarek, 30, stuttering since age 6 to up to 60% of his words. Very situational stutterer. Has been trying our methods “part time” for a year or so. Has been coached a few times recently by Javier, and today by Lee. Can’t remember his last bad incident, but still has many fears and maneuvers around […]

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image