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Female, 41, USA

Zina, stuttering all her life, to up to 70% of her words, mainly blocks and repeats. She’s a fast speaker too. First coaching session. The importance of rejecting negative thoughts. Preparing a Speech Plan for her to use all the time. Learning to use Crutch 4 for individual words.


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). Fourth coaching session. Coach Lee joins us again and reminds Daniel to hold the tone through his words, softly and in short increments.


Male, 19, USA

Timi, 19, stuttering since aprox. age 5-8, to up to 40% of his words, mainly blocks. Fourth coaching session. Three weeks since last bad incident. Huge improvement. Working on his high-pressured situations: the phone and groups of more than 10 people.


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). Third coaching session. Coach Lee joins us and teaches Daniel to hold the tone through his words, in short increments.


Male, 19, USA

Timi, 19, stuttering since aprox. age 5-8, to up to 40% of his words, mainly blocks. Third coaching session. Two weeks since last bad incident. Refreshing his Speech Plan (short increments + linking + slowly). Reading aloud with passion.


Male, 20, USA

Daniel, 20, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). Second coaching session. Learning to hold the tone.


Male, 19, USA

Timi, 19, stuttering since aprox. age 5-8, to up to 40% of his words, mainly blocks. Second coaching session. Huge improvement: no bad incidents in one week. Working on mastering his speech plan.


Male, 20, United Kingdom

Nadim, stuttering since age 6 to up to 50% of his words. He’s a PWSS now. Last steps to learn to loe to speak in all situations.


Male, 19, USA

Daniel, 19, stuttering since age 8 to up to 75% of his words (blocks, repeats, grimaces and body contortions). First coaching session. Learning to hold the tone.


Male, 19, USA

Timi, 19, stuttering since aprox. age 5-8, to up to 40% of his words, mainly blocks. First coaching session. Elaborating a Speech Plan.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image