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Male, 42, USA

Dean, stuttering since age of 10 to up to 80% of his words. Severe stutterer. Second coaching session. Combining Crutches 10 and 11 to smooth his speech. Great demonstation of how to be a Speech Cop.


Male, 24, United Kingdom (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 6. The importance of controlling our thoughts, rejecting the negatives and having a daily routine for our mental health and our self-cure. ESP: Brian, 24, tartamudo severo. Tartamudeando desde los 6 años. La importancia de controlar nuestros pensamientos, rechazar lo negativo y llevar una rutina diaria para […]


Male, 31, USA

Imran, 31, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. He is very close to becoming a PWSS. Practicing Crutch 11, paying special attention to speaking in short bursts and inserting full stops every few words.


Male, 26, United Kingdom

George, 26, PWSS, stuttering since age 5. Last drill of his speech before being the speaker of this week’s SAM meeting. Great demonstration of how to speak using Crutch 11.


Male, 22, Honduras (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Andrés, 22, stuttering since age 9. Situational stutterer, PWSS now. Discussing ways to overcome speech anxiety and pressured situations. ESP: Andrés, 22, tartamudeando desde los 9 años. Ahora es un PWSS/PQDT. Discutiendo formas de superar la ansiedad al hablar y las situaciones de mayor presión.


Male, 24, United Kingdom (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 6. The importance of being a Speech Cop and using the Crutches even when we do not need them if we want to become PWSS. ESP: Brian, 24, tartamudo severo. Tartamudeando desde los 6 años. La importancia de ser un Speech Cop y de usar las Muletas/Crutches […]


Male, 42, USA

Dean, stuttering since age of 10 to up to 80% of his words. Severe stutterer. First coaching session. Learning to Speak like a King.


Female, 30, USA

ENG: Claudia, 30, PWSS. Stuttering since age 3. Catch-up session. Discussing ways to continue improving her speech and loving to speak in all venues. ESP: Claudia, 30, PQDT/PWSS. Tartamudeando desde los 3 años. Formas de seguir mejorando su forma de hablar y de disfrutar hablando en cualquier situación.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image