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Male, 48, United Kingdom

John, 48, stuttering since age 4. Heavy repeater. Changing life-attitudes smoothing speech.


Male, 31, United Kingdom

Apoorv, 30, stuttered since age 8. Ex-mild stutterer, now PWSS. Preapring his SAM speech about his speech journey.


Male, 32, Hungary

Gabor, 32, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 4. First coaching session. How to use Crutches in different situations.


Male, 22, India

Jay is a situational stutterer and started to stutter since the age of 6 to 60% of the words. We have drilled C-9 and 10 in this session and he is speech sounded fluent while speaking.


Male, 23, Singapore

Bharath is a situational stutterer and started stuttering at the age of 16 to 40% of words. He had attended many speech therapies and finally came to WSSA Inc., He is realizing a lot of positive changes in his speech. With bit more persistance he will be completely fluent


Male, 23, India

Shubham stuttered since the age of 6 to 60% of the words. He recently became a PWSS and is working towards the second goal which is “loving to speak in all the venues”. He attends the SAM meetings regularly and also participates by giving comments in the meeting which is a big step towards the […]


Male, 22, India

Jay started to stutter since age of 6 to 60% of the words and had blocks too. We have had 3 sessions so far and he is already showing a very good progress. We drilled on C-8,9 and 10 and see for yourself the way he speaks !! its amazing indeed 🙂


Male, 23, India

Shubham is a PWSS and he has mastered all the crutches. Today he interacted with another PWSS Jay. They both are from same state of India thus, they had more interesting things to discuss. We prepared Shubham for his interview. Watch it yourself 🙂


Male, 22, India

Jay is a situational stutterer. He stuttered since the age of 6 to 60% of the words. Today he became a PWSS wherein he has successfully crossed 4 weeks without any bad incident. He simply used the crutches all the time and was a good speech cop. Watch the video and see for yourself.


Male, 33, Costa Rica (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Ricardo, 33, stuttering since young age, situational stutterer. Using Crutches to avoid repeating syllables. ESP: Ricardo, 33, tartamudeando desde edad temprana, tartamudo situacional. Decir nombres es sencillo. Usando Muletas/Crutches para evitar repetir sĂ­labas.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image