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Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks five languages and stuttered equally in all of them, from age 5, mainly facial ticks and silences, on most words in virtually all conversations. We work on speech plan of Short-Hum-Link-Stop and use Crutch 4 for first words. We answer questions and read aloud. By the end of the session, she is avoiding […]


Female, France

Elle, stuttering since age 6, mainly blocks and silences. Singer holding tones to help linking.


Female, France

Elle, stuttering since age 6, mainly blocks and silences. Singer works on Crutch 4.


Female, 31, Germany

Eugenia, speaks five languages and stuttered equally in all of them, from age 5, mainly facial ticks and silences, on most words in virtually all conversations. She came to us in April, and has not stopped most stuttering, but last week, she had one bad incident and many uncomfortable ones. We urge a 24/7 speech […]


Female, 22, Qatar

Saniya, 22, one of three sisters, all of whom stuttered. All have posted Stopped Stuttering Stories. Saniya still suffers fears and has a rare, small bad incident. We discuss and drill ways to avoid any such problems using Crutches 1-8.


Female, 22, Qatar

Saniya, 22, one of three sisters who stopped stuttering in mid-2021 but she relapsed; her sisters did not. She is now having 1-2 bad incidents daily. We urged a Speech Plan of Short-Link-Stop or simply Short-Stop. We also discussed limiting the number of increments to 5 before turning the speech floor over to the other […]


Female, 29, Australia

Brie. 29. Suffering spadmodic dysphonia since age 21, in 90% of conversations, but mainly broken words, caused by breathing out before speaking. Overcoming voice cracking via singing and or whispering.


Female, 30, USA

Sherry is a PWS. She started to stutter around the age of 4 to 80% of the words. In this session we are drilling on singing crutch in order to deal with high pressure situation. Her speech has improved by light years and she will soon become a PWSS


Female, 18, UAE

Sania is a PWS. She is a situational stutterer and a fast speaker. She started to stutter at a very young age. In this session we are focusing on exaggerating the C9


Female, 30, USA

Sherry is a PWS. She started to stutter at a very young age and it is situational most of the time. In this session, we are drilling on speech plan.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image