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Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona is a PWSS. She used to stutter a lot in front of her parents but not anymore as she uses Crutch 1 a lot. She has mastered Crutch 8 and she speaks like a river.


Female, 23, Canada

This is my 5th session with Rachel. Today, we practiced modulation and dropping the first letter. When Rachel used modulation, her speech was transformed.


Female, 26, Poland

Maria, 26, stuttering since age 3. PWSS. The need to release positive emotions.


Female, 19, USA

Stephanie, 19. Situational stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Working on halting speech.


Female, 34, USA

Kelly, 34, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. Once severe, proves fluency here.


Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona has come a long way. She started to stutter at the age of 2 to 40% of the words. She used to fear first words but not anymore. She has practiced Crutch 8 so well that it has become her 2nd nature. She speaks so beautifully. We also had a phone call activity in […]


Female, 19, USA

Stephanie, 19. Situational stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Working on anti-panic speech.


Female, 34, USA

Kelly, 34, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. Once severe, now amazingly fluent.


Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona is a PWS but she has already crossed 3 weeks without a bad incident. She is just being an amazing speech cop and she speaks so beautifully. In this session we are drilling on ESP, soft speech and C-7 . We have also staged an interesting roll play. Don’t miss it!!


Female, 34, United Kingdom

Fiona is 34 years old. She started to stutter at the age of 2 to 40% of the words. At this point of time, she has crossed 4 weeks without a bad incident and she has really progressed a lot with great discipline because she did her homework diligently.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image