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Male, 62, Brazil

Abilio is a PWS. He has progressed a lot using the following crutches – C-9, speaking slowly, whispering, smiling and inserting full stops.


Male, 65, Israel

Daniel, 65, PWSS, stuttering since age 8. Working Crutches 1-8 and a Speech Plan.


Male, 88, USA

Darrell, 88, stuttering all his life, mainly repeats on up to 40% of his words, mainly with family and friends. Learning to think message not words.


Male, 62, Brazil

Abilio is a PWS. He has progressed a lot using the following crutches – C-9, speaking slowly, whispering, smiling and inserting full stops.


Male, 51, USA

Rajmohan, 51, stuttering since age 6 to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks. Linking, humming, singing and speaking passionately in order to smooth our speech.


Male, 88, USA

Darrell, 88, stuttering all his life, mainly repeats on up to 40% of his words, mainly with family and friends. First coaching session. Ways to avoid fast repeats.


Male, 62, Brazil

Abilio is a PWS. In this session we are drilling on the crutch 9


Male, 62, Brazil

Abilio is a PWS from Brazil. In this session we are drilling on C-11 and 10.


Male, 62, Brazil

Abilio is a PWS from Brazil. In this session we are drilling on C-11, 7 and 9


Male, 62, Brazil

Abilio is a PWS. In this session we drilled on C-11 and he has shown great improvement

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image