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Male, 23, India

Shubham, PWSS, stuttering since age of 6. Explaining which Crutches have helped him the most. Practicing his SAM speech.


Male, 18, Portugal

Laxman, 18, PWSS, began stuttering at age 7. Explains how he is overcoming the fears of speaking to strangers.


Male, 24, United Kingdom (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Brian, 24, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 6. Second coaching session. Speaking fluently like a King. ESP: Brian, 24, tartamudo severo. Tartamudeando desde los 6 años. Segunda sesión de coaching. Hablando fluidamente como un Rey.


Female, 30, USA (Coaching in Spanish)

ENG: Claudia, 30, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 3. Three weeks without bad incidents. Using modulation to reduce hesitations when speaking. ESP: Claudia, 30, tartamuda severa. Tartamudeando desde los 3 años. Tres semanas sin malos incidentes de habla. Usando la modulación para suavizar su habla.


Male, 24, India

Shubham, PWSS, stuttering since age 6. ” I no longer think words before I say them.”


Male, 20, USA

Jordan, 20, stuttering since age 12. Severe stutterer. Ways to battle 12 bad incidents daily.


Male, 24, India

Shubham, PWSS, stuttering since age 6. Learning to speak passionately.


Male, 23, Singapore

Bharath, 23, stuttering since age 16. Mild stutterer. First coaching session. Experiencing immediate improvement in his speech thanks to Crutches 9 and 11.


Male, 24, India

Shubham, PWSS, stuttering since age 6. Mastering word linkage to help him speak confidently.


Male, 28, Brazil

Gustavo, 28, ex-situational stutterer, now PWSS. Stuttering since age 12. Smiling and modulation help us speak smoother and get rid of fears and anxiety.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image