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Boy, 13, India

Akhila and Rakesh are the parents of Chiraag (13 years old). Chiraag began to stutter at around the age of 9-10 years old, to up to 40% of his words, mainly repeats and blocks. First coaching session. Getting an overview of the program.


Boy, 6, Pakistan

Fahad and Alize are the parents of Munchi, 6 years old. Fahad, 41, stutters under pressure; Zidan, 6, stutters 30% or so of words, mostly first words. In this session Coach Lee works with Munchi for the first time.


Boy, 6, Pakistan

Alize and Fahad (parents) and Zidan is the son (6 years old). Both the father and the son stutter. Discussing ways to help both of them.


Boy, 10, USA

Ashley is the mom of Tua (10 years old). Tua began to stutter when he was 8. His stutter consisted mainly on repeats, in most conversations. Second coaching session. The repeats have stopped.


Boy, 4, USA

Kelly and Adam, parents of 4-year old PWS, Daniel. How they can help his son defeat stuttering.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, used to stutter, she’s a PWSS now. Working on Speech Plan and pronunciation.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, used to stutter, she’s a PWSS now. A speech plan to beat 50% blocks.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, used to stutter, she’s a PWSS now. Teenager fighting blocks.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, also stutters. Fighting blocks.


Male, 17, USA

Ty, 17, blocker, stuttering since age 3. Mother, Brooke, also stutters. Speech plans to break silence.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image