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Helping the Medical Community Understand Stuttering

Unfortunately, the medical community does not understand stuttering.  After helping a couple hundred PWS stop stuttering, I have been criticized and called a “charlatan”, “despicable liar”, etc., because I have “no medical training” and deigned to use the word “cure” in the title to my book. “Stuttering is an incurable disease”, or so some in […]


Using Neuroscience To Stop Stuttering

Neuroplasticity exploded on the medical scene circa 2000, asserts that the brain is like plastic, and its performance can be changed (inorganically and organically) as long as we live. In its simplest terms, desired changes can be effected by visualizing/seeing and hearing the desired changes in action. As “The brain knows what to do,” we […]


Helping Children Stop Stuttering

To help our children, we need to understand the origin of stuttering. Virtually all humans are overly concerned with the opinions of others. This goes back to primitive mankind’s life in the wilderness, where every encounter with a stranger posed a potential life-and-death threat and stimulated what the medical world calls the “fear-fight-flight” syndrome, which […]


Why Do I Keep Relapsing Into Stuttering?

Many people who stutter (PWS) reduce or even stop all stuttering (by finding a few methods that work) but relapse back into stuttering within a few weeks or months after stopping.  Why do they keep relapsing? Most of us who beat stuttering PERMANENTLY use MANY different methods to beat it, not just one or a […]


Speech Is Perception

Everything is as we see it,the way that we choose to see it,nothing more, nothing less. Do we see the donut or the hole?  Do we see the glass half-empty or half-full?  Choose the donut and the glass half-full every time, and we are well on the way to a happy life.  Choose the negatives, […]

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image